In the upcoming week the International Film Series at UNC will be showing The Red Shoes. For those who don’t know what The Red Shoes is about, it is the original Black Swan. Black Swan recently received several Academy Award nominations, one in which was won by Natalie Portman who got best performance by an actress in a leading role.
The Red Shoes is about an up-and-coming ballerina who is torn between love and her dream of being a prima ballerina. Black Swan is about a prima ballerina who is set to play the white swan in the Swan Lake production. She is torn between what she is perceived as, the white swan, and the black swan that people say she can’t portray.
With both films reality and the stories that they are thrown into with dance merge within the prima ballerinas, and reality loses in the end. There have been a lot of people who say they can be lost in dance, lost in a story. With these two characters it becomes reality.
For any audience who dares to watch either of these two films should be in for a reality altering experience.
For any audience who dares to watch either of these two films should be in for a reality altering experience.