Are Americans too lazy to read subtitles? Yes! The first time I realized this was when I took a Mad Men and Monsters class at the University of Northern Colorado. We had to watch a select film each week and one of those films was Let the Right One In; which came out in 2008 by Swedish director Tomas Alfredson. The film was phenomenal! It had everything, mystery, suspense, gore and horror. All the makings of a good vampire flick. The only thing that was different was that it was foreign, and therefore had subtitles. Then just two years later Let Me In (2010) by Matt Reeves was released in America. Now the same thing is happening again! Just last week I watched a great movie, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2009), another film out of Sweden, go figure. To my surprise, today I went on the Internet Movie Database and saw a trailer for the upcoming film, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, featuring Daniel Craig. This remake is due out December 2011, again, just two years after the first was released. Soon the other two films in the trilogy will follow just as this one has. This appalls me! Especially when these remakes, are for the most part, shot-by-shot the same as its foreign counterparts. Dare I ask again; are Americans too lazy to read subtitles?