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Wednesday, March 13, 2013

The Human Centipede - the 'unwatchable' film

I dared to watch the supposedly unwatchable, The Human Centipede.
Over the years I have always heard about this film that was so disturbing and disgusting that I should never, ever, watch it.
Alas, I found it on Netflix a few weeks ago and hit play.
Throughout the film I was waiting for that moment when the film was to become 'unwatchable', but that moment never came.
Sure there were some crazy ideas, unthinkable ideas, and scenes that may churn your stomach, but nothing that would warrant hitting the 'stop' button.
As each minute ticked by I became more engrossed in the movie and began shouting at the screen; in the end though, I was left wanting closure.
Even still, while writing this, I want closure, but it's just not there.
I would say, "maybe I should watch the second one," but there will be no comfort in that.
The second film, The Human Centipede II is about someone watching The Human Centipede and deciding to try the experiment themselves in 'real' life.
I guess, to round off my rant, when someone says a film is 'unwatchable' don't decide to just give in and not watch it, because you may find it is a good film that doesn't warrant that title that the public gives it.
Watch this film and experience the madness yourself and form your own opinion and let me know what you think of this controversial film.